It seems that over the last few page rank toolbar updates there has been less to document regarding page rank 10 sites. Over the last two updates we have seen sites like Apple, Microsoft and NASA drop from a pr 10 to a pr 9. However with this last update we have seen even more of a drop.
The only three remaining pr 10 sites are;
* The American Government Homepage
* Adobe Flash Player Download Page
The following sites have dropped from a 10 to a 9;
* Adobe Homepage
* W3C Homepage
* The White House Homepage
* W3C CSS Validator
* Adobe Support
* Adobe About Page
* Adobe Dreamweaver
* Adobe Acrobat
* Adobe Download
What does Page Rank (PR) even mean?
Page Rank (or PR) is a scale on which Google rates a site, its ranges from 0 to 10, it is updated quarterly and is a pretty big deal in the search engine optimisation (SEO) world. From the above you can see how rare and how hard it is to achieve a PR 10. Most respected Search Engine Optimisation (SEO) consultants agree a PR4 or above is a highly respected rank.
However Page Rank does not necessary impact upon a websites Search Engine Ranking Position (SERP) and has faced heavy criticism from many professionals. It is however a highly sought after by many webmasters.
How do I find out my Page Rank (PR)?
You can download the Google toolbar from Google which displays in the center the page rank of each site you visit. From this tool you can gauge a understanding of how Google works.
The only three remaining pr 10 sites are;
* The American Government Homepage
* Adobe Flash Player Download Page
The following sites have dropped from a 10 to a 9;
* Adobe Homepage
* W3C Homepage
* The White House Homepage
* W3C CSS Validator
* Adobe Support
* Adobe About Page
* Adobe Dreamweaver
* Adobe Acrobat
* Adobe Download
What does Page Rank (PR) even mean?
Page Rank (or PR) is a scale on which Google rates a site, its ranges from 0 to 10, it is updated quarterly and is a pretty big deal in the search engine optimisation (SEO) world. From the above you can see how rare and how hard it is to achieve a PR 10. Most respected Search Engine Optimisation (SEO) consultants agree a PR4 or above is a highly respected rank.
However Page Rank does not necessary impact upon a websites Search Engine Ranking Position (SERP) and has faced heavy criticism from many professionals. It is however a highly sought after by many webmasters.
How do I find out my Page Rank (PR)?
You can download the Google toolbar from Google which displays in the center the page rank of each site you visit. From this tool you can gauge a understanding of how Google works.
Published by Sam Logan Designer for Firebubble Web Design and Logo Design Company.
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